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Kids Reading Outdoor

About Fun With Fiction

It All Started On A Green Couch

The inspiration for Fun With Fiction struck the founder, Kimberly, while she was relaxing on a green couch. She wanted to help local children and families rekindle their love for reading, one book at a time, while also ensuring kids had something special under the tree on Christmas morning.


Her initial plan was simple: make a post in the Vancouver, WA Moms Facebook group offering to support six families with gifts—a wrapped book, reading accessories, a small toy, and some snacks for each child.


Enjoying a Read

Then They Got To Work

The response from the community was far greater than she anticipated. Realizing she could make a bigger difference, Kimberly brought her sister Jessica on board. Together, they set out to support not six, but sixty-eight children. Christmas was only 2.5 weeks away so they set out that same evening to shop for children's books and toys and then got to wrapping...

Our Mission

Fun With Fiction offers comfort, escape, and relatable stories to children working through challenging circumstances. We create moments of connection and joy with literature-focused gift bundles and special events driven by volunteer efforts and the generosity of donors.

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